Tuesday, 29 January 2008


29th Jan, Tues

今天的Sales Promotion Design tutorial,经过一番考量与衡量,大多数人(包括我)决定换Assignment的题目,摒弃已经完成的sport campaign proposal,再开始新的一份proposal 和 promotional items。这意味着这三个礼拜来的努力: 组员多次的开会,research,我们的field trip, 已经完成好的symbol,logo, 修改再修改的内容等等都作废。全部都得从头开始~说不心痛,是骗人的。

不过,之前的努力并不全然是白费。因为sport campaign, 我对streetball,对这类campaign的节目流程与促销的手法有更深一层认识;也有机会与新的组员合作,载然不同的感觉(",)!

我们去了SSCU Department,除了陪亦真报名financial planning workshop,我也决定到Alumni Dpt. 去interview帮UTAR毕业生们dress up毕业袍的“临时工“ ~有新鲜感之余也可以小赚一小笔^^但,在听了负责人一番讲解后,我就打消了原先的念头 :因日期非常的靠近我CRM presentation 和Comm.Theories case study group presentation.虽然说这两天我可以不去Alumni Dpt.帮忙,但因不想在这段时期分散注意力,再说,有了前车之鉴,怕了~还是等来临的job fair再说吧!最后,我们六人中只得四个人参加~无奈。。

之后到学校对面的Old Town吃午餐。间中我听到了几首喜欢的英文歌,心情还不错^^~边吃的当儿,我们谈起了industrial training之前的trip。大家都有不同的提议,各有所好,也难以取舍~哈..不过可以确定的是:无论如何,在我们industrial training之前一定会去玩个够先!哈~

上完Comm.Theories,又是一轮选assignment组员的时刻。。在最后时刻突然改变了原先的决定....这次有了还没同组过的ling2 & C.Yen (^^)

Evening & Night
回到家,又得忙学会义卖会的东西。。“显”掉,呵。。Assignments & revision还得暂时靠边站。我觉得自己对义卖会兴趣不大,别人看似有趣,但准备过程很耗时~~不简单!之后,又出现了问题:热心帮忙的学弟错把新年的迷你祝福柑花束当成情人节花束卖出,而且也不能有更改了。可以想象,当女方在情人节前夕的lecture hall收到(不是花,再说是它也很小粒)的情况~~~~是另类的咯!不过,这不能怪学弟啦,他们“热心学会”的精神是普通会员里少有的。。赞!


Monday, 28 January 2008


Once again, i hv to go Sg Wang & Times Squares due to there are somethings which need to buy..Besides, my another purpose is looking for a pair of suitable shoes..at first,i intended to buy so-called "wa wa shoes"..but some of the friends around me have bad experience of wearing this type of shoes~~Thus, after wondering few times, i changed my decision..no more wa wa shoes for this year. Coz i dun want my foot get hurt coz of shoes, i HATE scar!!!!

We went into so many shoes shops~Vincci,Nose,Voir,Mooc(dun know spell correct o not),and so on~~ still couldn't find a pair of favorable shoes. I realised only those white high heels are able to attract my attention^^, for me,white colour shoes is much more easier to match with my clothes.

Then,we went into a shop called "D.N.U Fashion". A pair of high heels with ribbon(white colour as well) attracted me.. However, after i wore it and looked at the mirror, it looks like WEDDING high heels T_T..and looks extremely formal as well. No wonder Pei asked: "wa,you wear this for your wedding day ah??"Haha..lolz

FINALLY, i bought another high heels in that shop,well,is not white colour!! Like it very much (" ,)

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Financial Planning Workshop

Finally, I'm able to join the Financial Planning Workshop which organized by MFPC~
on 16th & 17th Feb..

There are 2 parts for this workshop:
5 chapters in Part 1 & 6 chapters in Part 2

Besides the financial planning, the workshop will also cover :
-understanding the concept & calculation on housing loan,car loan,credit loan-
-insurance,investment,tax advantageous-
-so on-

Thus, it's not only to teach you how to use money wisely, but extra knowledges that are useful for our future

Also, it is a good chance for us to take part as we aren't Business students

"Planning For A Secure Financial Future"

Monday, 21 January 2008


今天为了学会的fund raising,我们去了FICT一趟。就在这时,我看到了一个熟悉的脸孔--蔡慧沁师!(Y1S2 Chinese Language for Communication subject)与她的丈夫。我感到蛮意外的~因为老师现在应该还在台北啊??

接着就叫住了蔡老师,她也感到很惊讶,没想到还能在FICT遇到自己以前的学生,哈^^ 差不多一年没见了,她还是一样的可人,一样的瘦,也都还记得我们两个^^,实属难得~ 在简短的谈话中,得知蔡老师正放着寒假。

说着说着,老师突然对我说:“咦?你把头发给烫直了噢?”。。。。如果不久前曾见过面,如此问法并不让我觉得惊奇,但我年前的样子依然还在她的脑海里,这让我不得不佩服蔡老师的记忆力!。。还记得她曾对我说过的:“做为一位老师,记忆力也该要好呀!“ 稍思片刻,更觉有理。

很开心能再见我敬爱的导师,一位用心,认真且able to mix with students like friends的蔡老师。。(^^) v

Sunday, 20 January 2008


I bought these 5 mini jellies from Jusco, 1 Utama. The cute packaging attracted me rather than the jelly itself.."the power of packaging"..sigh~ hehe.. There are strawberry, lychee, orange, green tea and Oolong tea flavors.

Thursday, 10 January 2008


2day is public holiday, raining..so didn't go out have fun. I spending the whole day to do my own things, and i read some friends' blog. I almost spent more than 1 hour to read my cousin's blog (yet can't finish reading all). I believe that "if you want to know more about a person, view her/his blog..especially if he or she is active in writing n updating the blog". There are something happened on her previously.I felt sad and down when reading her blog.

Just bought a Birthday card for my dearest aunt at hometown..next tuesday is her birthday but i cannot celebrate with her..>< Thus i insert my greeting into a birthday card envelope n hope it can reach there in time :) love her so much!

Besides, this sunday will be my shopping day, to buy new clothes,shoes and so on.Otherwise i guess i hv no much time for shopping. I'm waiting for my PTPTN,when will "you" visit my account? "Someone"is waiting for you by next week..(^^)

Tuesday, 8 January 2008



这个月的生日庆祝会与礼物花费可省不得,买的礼物类型也不可大意,因为大部分的寿星们都是过21岁生日,而且又都是好朋友。所以呢,马虎不得啊 ^^ 哈

省 省 省 !!!!